The Road To Live In Japan : What you think become your reality

Suite de l’article d’hier : La loi de l’utilisation.

J’ai décidé de faire un article en anglais… une première sur ce site.

Ce qui m’étonne le plus, c’est qu’en utilisant une autre langue, on arrive a exprimer des choses qui serait parfois difficile d’exprimer dans sa propre langue. (Ca doit être mon niveau de Francais, je sais. LOL)

Dans tous les cas, voilà le morceau.

The Road To Live In Japan

Living in Japan is not easy.
But leaving in Japan is not hard either.
It is what you think it is.

Some say and think speaking Japanese is hard. They are right.
Some others say and think speaking Japanese is easy. They are right too.

What you need to understand is what you think become your reality.

If you think you can do it. You’ll find a way to do it. If you think you can’t, you’ll find the excuses why you can’t.

It’s only a mind problem.
Everything is IN YOU.

If you think you cannot speak English.
You will never speak, until you find out that actually YOU CAN.

That’s the reason why you need to control what you think. That’s why you need to constantly think positive, not negative.

A lot people are saying that there is no Disneyland.
But the fact is there is more than one !

Disneyland Paris, Tokyo,…just as a reference…

If not we will never refer to « Disneyland ».

Disney land is a place born in the mind of Mr. Walt Disney.

He dreamed about it, he thought about, he planned his work and then he work on his plans.

He was the one, that once said :

« If you can dream it, you can do it »

That’s how we now know Disneyland.

What you need to keep in mind is that, Disney was not a genius.

He never graduate from high school,
never went to university,
never get a degree,
never learned a foreign language and yet he build one of the first worldwide known entertainment park franchise in the world.

So to all people who are saying it’s not Disneyland here.

Keep in mind that someone created it the first place.
It was created from the ground in !

So Disneyland does exist…
So, stop talking nonsense and let those who want to build their Disneyland build their own one.

If you don’t like where you live.
If you don’t like how things are.

Move !
You’re not a three.

End of the story.



Pour vous aider à bien démarrer ou progresser dans votre l’apprentissage du Japonais. Je vous offre ce livre, (normalement vendu 2,99), dans lequel j’aborde les 4 piliers pour apprendre le japonais en autodidacte.

Vous pouvez télécharger votre copie ici


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Le truc c’est de lire, et ensuite d’appliquer.
J’ai essayé de rendre la lecture facile et le plus intéressant possible.

J’espère que cela vous permettra de passer à un autre niveau. Ayez confiance en vous!

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